On July 16, 2013, the Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 第397-13号决议将战略规划委员会的职责订正如下:
a. Working closely with the superintendent, 委员会就MCPS的战略方向和优先事项提供初步建议。. 该委员会将负责对该系统的方向进行前瞻性分析, i.e., 完成对MCPS环境中的机遇和挑战的积极和持续的审查,以便委员会能够确定目前尚未解决的紧急战略问题,并向全体董事会推荐这些问题.
b. 审查目标和目标,以衡量实现战略计划中概述的目标的进展(绩效监控). 虽然审查学生在战略计划所列指标方面的成果仍是全体联委会的责任, 委员会将在全体董事会的指导下进行更深入的研究,以确定需要进一步研究的领域. (有人建议为提交全体委员会的临时报告制订一份监测日历,其中载有深入的指标.)
c. Develop and recommend legislative strategies to the Board.
d. Strategic communication and outreach.
1994年9月8日,威尼斯人在线官网成立了一个长期规划小组委员会. On September 12, 1995, 威尼斯人在线官网将其更名为长期战略规划小组委员会. On November 9, 2004, 在AEB -政策的最后行动中,董事会更名为战略规划委员会 Long Range Planning.
战略规划委员会由董事会的三名成员组成, appointed in December of each year. 它为学校系统的教学和支助职能制定有效的长期规划方法. According to its mission statement, 它“应倡导并在长期规划中发挥领导作用,并应促进长期承诺,使所有学校系统利益相关者都参与并了解情况."
It was established by Board of Education Resolution No. 838-94
Text of Resolution No. 838-94
On recommendation of the superintendent and on motion of Mr. Ewing seconded by Ms. Gutierrez, the following resolution was adopted unanimously:
WHEREAS, On September 8, 1994, the Board of Education established the Subcommittee on Long-range Planning and formed a temporary subcommittee to develop a draft statement of the charter and mission of the Subcommittee; and WHEREAS, On November 21, 1994, 临时小组委员会提交了一份组成说明草案, mission, and charge as an item of information and requested that this be scheduled for future Board action; now therefore be it
Resolved, That the following statement of the composition, mission, and charge of the Subcommittee on Long-range Planning be adopted:
长期规划小组委员会应由董事会的三名成员组成, appointed in December of each year. One member shall be appointed for a one-year term, one for a two-year term, and one for a three-year term, by majority vote of the Board.
The Board shall annually name the chairperson of the Subcommittee. 主席应负责确定适当的会议日期, 并在与委员会其他成员协商后制定会议议程.小组委员会应每年至少两次向威尼斯人在线官网报告其拟议的建议.督学或其指定人员须出席小组委员会的所有会议.小组委员会的会议应向公众开放,并按照有关公开会议的法律法规进行.
长远规划小组委员会的任务是为学校系统的教学和支助职能制定有效的长远规划方法. 它应倡导并在长期规划中发挥领导作用,并应促进长期承诺,使所有学校系统利益相关者都参与并了解情况.